Hair loss causes: How to stop?

Hair loss causes- hair falls out daily and in large quantities.  The rate of such losses in a healthy person is from 100 to 300 units per day. The figure depends on climatic conditions, seasonal factors, mechanical and chemical influences (laying and painting).

The hair of a healthy person usually stays on the head for 3-5 years, up to a  maximum of 7 years. In the normal process, baldness does not happen, since a new one grows in the place of the fallen, and the head of hair remains the same density.  This is a sign of beauty and health. If an impressive bunch has gathered on the comb, this is not yet a reason for panic. Most likely, the hair fell out earlier, but now we just gathered it. They are already inanimate.

However, it is not always possible to keep the scalp at the same level. Many people experience baldness. This process can start at different ages. The reasons for hair loss are also different. In this article, we’ll show you how to determine the cause of the problem and try to fix it.

Hair loss causes

Is hair loss a symptoms or a disease?

If the hairline begins to thin, simple topical treatments are not enough. This is a sign of changes in the body. It is necessary to determine why the hair is falling out and start by eliminating the cause. It can be as follows:

The consequences of severe stress

The scalp is affected by the release of cortisol and adrenaline, regulatory neuropeptides and other hormones, under the influence of which the hair stops growing prematurely and falls out.

Hormonal adjustment

Baldness in women can begin after childbirth or taking hormonal medications. The causes of hair loss in a girl can be hidden in age-related hormonal changes.  Separately, there is an increased sensitivity to the derivative of the male sex hormone dihydrotestosterone. It is produced by representatives of different sexes – the only difference is in its quantity.

Infections and somatic disease

Insufficiency of the thyroid gland function is highlighted separately. Fungal infections such as ringworm, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and other inflammatory processes on the scalp are also common causes.  Deviations in the endocrine system, anemia, etc., affect the scalp.

Taking medication

After taking antidepressants, drugs for high blood pressure, etc. sometimes hair falls out a lot. If this happens, check the composition of the tablets, stop taking them temporarily. After stopping the intake, the growth process should resume.

External factors

In addition to the poor ecological state of the external environment, the health of the hair is affected by the regular exposure to processing using high temperatures. You need to give time to recover, periodically arrange rest periods from styling, etc.

Improper nutrition

Deficiency of protein, minerals and vitamins (B12, selenium, chromium, zinc, iron) leads to dullness, fragility and hair loss.

How to treat baldness?

Most often men go bald. This problem manifests itself in 80% of the stronger sex. The types of male pattern baldness are as follows:

  • Androgenetic is 90% of cases. This type is treated with mesotherapy.
  • Telogen – due to insufficient nutrition. It is necessary to restore the balance of nutrients in the body. Special sprays are also used to nourish the hair.
  • Nesting – baldness occurs in some areas in the form of foci. Hair loss treatment occurs with the help of immunosuppressors.
  • Total – can only be treated with a transplant.
  • Diffuse – as a rule, this is a consequence of taking medications. The process stops after you stop taking and treating the damaged areas with coconut oil.
  • Cicatricial is a difficult case that can be solved only by transplantation.

In women, this happens less often, but it is perceived more painful. Therefore, the treatment of hair loss is task number 1 for them. And you need to start solving it with an appointment with a specialist. To correctly establish the cause of the problem and determine the treatment, you need a  consultation with a trichologist. 

If you notice that a large amount of hair begins to fall out, dryness, burning and other unpleasant sensations are felt on the scalp, do not hesitate. Visit the Medical Center, where highly qualified specialists are received.

To understand how to treat hair loss, the doctor listens to complaints to collect a detailed history, prescribes phototrichoscopy (the scalp and scalp are examined), phototrichogram, and additional tests. The hair is examined directly.

What tests can be prescribed:

  • biochemistry of blood from a vein (for serum iron);
  • for ferritin (storage iron);
  • complete blood count (hemoglobin and erythrocytes).

Prevention of hair loss

In order not to have to figure out how to stop hair loss, it is better to apply simple preventive measures to prevent the onset of a negative process. Learn about the root causes of baldness and address them (if possible). Get rid of your stressful regime, get into the habit of relaxing during the day (yoga, breathing exercises). Change your diet, watch your health. Sleep well. If possible, eliminate all negative factors.

In addition, use the following tips:

  • Wash your hair with quality shampoos, matching your hair and skin type.
  • Use cool water when washing – too hot has a traumatic effect on the follicles and skin, while stimulating the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Apply dietary supplements and multivitamin complexes. Provide your hair with essential vitamins.
  • Avoid wearing a hat in cold weather. Sharp temperature changes and low temperatures have a detrimental effect on the hair follicles.
  • Massage your scalp for a rush of blood that promotes healthy growth.  But it is impossible to injure these areas of the skin.

These simple steps will help keep your hair healthy even as you reach old age. Don’t neglect them!

Dr. Ashwani Kumar is highly skilled and experienced in treating major and minor general medicine diseases.